Electronic Acupuncture Acupoint Massage Pen Multi-Function Meridian Pressing Energy Therapy Energy Pain Relieving Tool
Electronic Acupuncture Acupoint Massage Pen Multi-Function Meridian Pressing Energy Therapy Energy Pain Relieving Tool
Multi-Function Design: The Electronic Acupuncture Acupoint Massage Pen is a multi-function tool, combining meridian pressing and energy therapy in one device for comprehensive pain relief., Energy Therapy: This tool utilizes energy therapy to target the root cause of pain, providing long-lasting relief rather than just masking the symptoms., Acupoint Massage: The acupoint massage feature targets specific pressure points on the body, promoting blood circulation and reducing muscle tension., Pain Relief: Designed for effective pain relief, this tool can help manage chronic pain, making it an essential addition to your health care routine., Easy to Use: With its intuitive design, this tool is easy to use, making it suitable for home use and professional healthcare practitioners alike., Portable: Its compact size and lightweight design make this tool portable, allowing you to take it with you wherever you go.
Electronic Acupuncture Acupoint Massage Pen Multi-Function Meridian Pressing Energy Therapy Energy Pen Pain Relieving Tool
*Three massage heads for different massage effects
*Adjustable nine gears design for different pulse strength
* Intelligent acupuncture points finding function providing accurate massage service
*Human engineering design for comfortable gripping feelings
*Pulsed electrotherapy, painless scientific acupuncture